Sunday School for all ages starting at 9:50AM.
First Methodist Church of Brewton: Small Groups
Sunday Mornings @ 9:50am
Wesley Bible Class (Adults, 50+) Topics: Biblical and Christian Topics Where: Wesley Bible Class (Education Hall)
Women's Class (Women, All ages) Topics: Christian Living & Bible Study Where: John Douglas Classroom
Oxford Class (Adults, 60+) Topics: Scripture study Where: Oxford Classroom (Education Hall)
Dinner @ 5:15 pm Food and Fellowship Where: Fellowship Hall
Adult Study at 6:00 p.m. Where: Fellowship Hall
Children and Youth Classes Where: Youth Room/Handprint Room
Chancel (Adult) Choir @ 6:15 pm Singing and Fellowship Where: Choir room
Sunday Mornings @ 9:50am
Wesley Bible Class (Adults, 50+) Topics: Biblical and Christian Topics Where: Wesley Bible Class (Education Hall)
Women's Class (Women, All ages) Topics: Christian Living & Bible Study Where: John Douglas Classroom
Oxford Class (Adults, 60+) Topics: Scripture study Where: Oxford Classroom (Education Hall)
Dinner @ 5:15 pm Food and Fellowship Where: Fellowship Hall
Adult Study at 6:00 p.m. Where: Fellowship Hall
Children and Youth Classes Where: Youth Room/Handprint Room
Chancel (Adult) Choir @ 6:15 pm Singing and Fellowship Where: Choir room